Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Reading With Dad Makes Summer Reading Hot!

Congrats to this Judy Blume Fan who was the first student to respond to my Summer Reading Challenge. What are the rest of you reading? Send me your picture and thoughts in an Email and I'll share your message in a blog post just like this one.

Dear Mrs. Wollmering,

I am reading "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" with my Dad. The funniest
part about the book is when the kid named Fudge said, "Goodbye, Rat Face."
Another funny thing is when Fudge's friend said, "Do you want to make
something of it." I like this book because Fudge is funny. I also like when
we get to the end of the chapters because then we can start a new one. And
also, in the first chapter, when Fudge didn't eat his food and his dad
said, "Eat it or wear it." I liked that part, too. And also, when Fudge's
dad poured the food on Fudge's head. I thought that was funny, too.

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