Tuesday, April 03, 2012

When is Enough, Enough?

I read a review of this book by Patrick Rhone in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Ever since then I can't help but wonder how do you create a balance between being submerged in the digital world and being powered down in order to be present to the ones you are with. I began my career as a librarian, a respected, noble profession, some might say. Within the last 365 days I have morphed into a techie. My dilemma is, How do I reconcile my two worlds, and, Do I really need to? Can I continue to ping pong between page & ink and screen and come out as a stronger, more respected educator. Insert: A Resounding YES! The trick is to give yourself permission to switch everything off, including your brain, and focus on other loves you might have. Try it, I promise you you'll still be empowered to engage, you'll also be a better human being.

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